1.Jianjun BAI, Wenbin SUN. Compression and Visualization of Multi-resolution Topographic Data. Proceedings of the 2011 3nd International Conference on Information, Electronic and Computer Science. Tianjin, China.Volume 2:949-953
2.白建军. 基于正八面体的四孔六边形球面格网编码及索引. 遥感学报,2011,15(6):1125-1137
3.白建军, 孙文彬, 赵学胜. 基于QTM的WGS84椭球面层次剖分及其特点分析. 测绘学报,2011,40(2):243-248
4.白建军. 全球地表的三维建模和可视化研究. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 41(4):699-703
5.白建军, 孙文彬. 球面格网系统特征分析及比较. 地理与地理信息科学, 2011, 27(2):1-5
6.白建军, 闫超德. 基于二叉树的多分辨率地形数据压缩存储. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2010,40(6):1088-1092
7.BAI Jianjun, SUN wenbin, ZHAO xuesheng. Data Organization of Spherical DEM Based on Hierarchical Diamonds, 2010 the 2nd conference on environmental science and information application technology. Wuhan, China,July 17-18, 2010, volume IV, 87-90 (EI检索)
8.Chaode Ya, Tian He, Wenbin Sun, Jianjun Bai. Algorithm of spatial neighbor relation based on ArcObject. 2010 the 2nd conference on environmental science and information application technology. Wuhan, China,July 17-18, 2010, volume IV, 154-157 (EI检索)
9.Chaode Yan, Tongde Guo, Wenbin Sun, Jianjun Bai. Voronoi Diagrams’ Eccentricity Measurement and Application. the 18th international conference on geoinformatics,2010,Beijing,20100618-20100620
10.闫超德, 白建军, 赵仁亮. 基于Voronoi图的点状目标邻近空间分布测度方法,武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2009,34(1):48-51(EI检索)
11.BAI Jian-jun, Yan Chao-de and Zhao Xue-sheng, A Hierarchical Visualization Model of the Global Terrain Based on QTM, Geoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference on GIS and Build Environment: Geo-Simulation and Virtual Environment, Lin Liu, Xia Li, Kai Liu, Xinchang Zhang, Aijun Chen,Eds.,Proc. of SPIE VOL. 7143 714333 Guangzhou, China, June 28-29,2008 714333-1―714333-11. (EI检索)
12.Chaode YAN, Yuanping Zhang, Jianjun BAI. A Voronoi-Neighbor-based Method for Measuring Neighbor Objects’ Distribution. International. The proceedings of Conference on Information Technology & Environmental System Sciences 2008, China Electronics Industry Press, Volume 3,304-309 (ISTP 收录)
13.赵学胜, 白建军, 王志鹏. 2007, 基于QTM的全球地形自适应可视化模型,测绘学报,36(3): 316-320(EI检索).
14.赵学胜, 白建军, 2007, 基于菱形块的全球离散格网层次建模, 中国矿业大学学报, 36(3): 397-401(EI检索).
15.Xuesheng Zhao, Jianjun Bai, Jun Chen, and Zhilin Li, 2006, A Seamless Visualization Model of The Global Terrain Based on The QTM. 16th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Tele-existence, ICAT 2006, Hangzhou, China, Nov. 29-Dec.1, Advances in Artificial Reality and Tele-existence, (edited by Pan Z., Cheok A., Haller M., Lau R., Saito H., and Liang R.), Springer-Verlag Beilin Heidelberg. pp1136-1145(ISTP检索)
16.白建军, 赵学胜, 陈军. 基于线性四叉树的全球离散格网索引. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2005, 30(9): 805-808 (EI检索)
17.白建军, 赵学胜, 陈军. 基于椭球面三角格网的数字高程建模. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2005,30(5): 383-387 (EI检索)
1.白建军, 侯妙乐, 孙文彬. 2012, 球面离散格网下的数字高程建模(测绘科技专著出版基金资助, 陕西师范大学优秀著作出版基金资助), 测绘出版社。
2.侯妙乐, 孙文彬, 白建军. 2010, 球面四元三角网的基本拓扑模型, 大地出版社。
3.赵学胜, 侯妙乐, 白建军. 2007, 全球离散格网的空间数字建模(测绘科技专著出版基金资助), 测绘出版社。
3.2008.1~200912,“基于全球离散格网的大范围数字高程建模”(陕西省自然科学研究计划项目,NO: 2007 D 19),负责人。
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